
Why Hire an MECP Professional?

MECP CertificationHiring Mobile Electronics Certified Professional (MECP) -certified individuals in your shop give your customers the confidence that the work is being completed by professionals who uphold the highest industry standards. It helps to ensure that the job is done right the first time.

MECP technicians abide by our Code of Ethics, which can be viewed here.

MECP Certifications

Learn more about the available certification levels and their sample job descriptions to help you hire MECP professionals or educate your current employees on the opportunities available.

MECP Program Supporter/Promotional Mark

MECP Supporter LogoThe Certification Systems Technology Company (CSTC) has developed specific logos to associate an MECP certified professional, the program itself, and any associated company. These Guidelines have been established to ensure consistency in the manner the Marks are used and protect the Marks’ integrity while promoting your MECP achievements or support. These Guidelines are equally applicable for print or posted content on the Internet, including social media platforms. All Marks’ use requires advance written approval from CSTC, initiated by filling out the Logo and Marks Approval Request form.

If you want to use the Supporter/Promotional Marks to inform, educate, and promote the MECP program’s benefits to the public, the same approval is required. Use of the Supporter Marks without a licensing agreement is strictly prohibited, including any social media platform or anywhere on the Internet. The Supporter Marks may never appear on a product or imply that the licensee’s employees are MECP certified.

Licensing is not guaranteed by completing a Logo and Marks Approval Request form. Only an approval returned as approved by CSTC is valid.

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